
We are the Southland Power Trust, we represent the consumers connected to the Power Company Ltd network across Southland and parts of urban Invercargill.

The Government appointed the initial five Trustees, with subsequent Trustees elected by the consumers connected to The Power Company Ltd Network in Southland.

Although we do not have any direct involvement with the operation of The Power Company LTd or PowerNet, we are responsible for the appointment of the Directors, negotiating strategic direction and monitoring performance objectives with the directors on behalf of consumers. We also hold public annual meetings keeping the public updated and listening to any suggestions or answers questions people may have.

Southland Power Trust Team
Back row, L-R: Carl Findlater, David Rose, Wade Devine, Bernice Carlene (Secretary). Front row, L-R: Stuart Baird and Stephen Canny.

How do we fit in?

PowerNet is the operational / management company that maintains and manages the networks of The Power Company Ltd and Electricity Invercargill. The Power Company Ltd is the company owned by the Trust on behalf of the consumers.

Southland Power Trust Logo

The Southland Power Trust hold 100% of the shares for The Power Company Ltd

The Power Company Ltd

The Power Company Ltd manage the lines, network and assets


PowerNet are the appointed contractors that manage the lines

Electric Bolt

The Retailer, the companies that buy and sell power and bill you for the power you use

Our Team