
Southland Power Trust Election Process

The election of Trustees for the Southland Power Trust is a critical process that ensures the Trust remains accountable and representative of its consumers. The Trust is responsible for managing investments in The Power Company Limited, with the ultimate goal of benefiting consumers within the Southland region who are connected to The Power Company Ltd network.

Nomination Process

  1. Public Announcement: The process begins with a public notice calling for nominations, published across various platforms, including local newspapers and the Trust’s official website.

  2. Nomination Forms: Interested candidates must submit a completed nomination form. Each candidate must be nominated by two eligible proposers, who are current consumers as defined by the Trust Deed.

  3. Candidate Profile: Candidates are encouraged to submit a profile statement, detailing their area of residence, qualifications, policies, and intentions if elected, along with a recent photograph. This profile will be distributed to voters to help them make informed decisions.

  4. Eligibility Verification: The Trust’s Independent Returning Officer reviews all nominations to ensure both the candidates and their proposers meet the eligibility criteria. If any issues arise, candidates may need to correct and resubmit their forms promptly.

Election Process

If more nominations are received than there are positions available, an election is held. The election is conducted via postal voting or electronic online, allowing all elector consumers to participate in selecting their Trustees.

  1. Voting Papers: Once nominations are finalized, voting papers are mailed to all eligible voters. These include candidate profiles to help voters make informed choices.

  2. Voting Period: Consumers have a specified period during which they can return their completed voting papers.

  3. Counting and Results: After the voting period ends, the votes are counted, and the results are announced. The successful candidates begin their term as Trustees at the conclusion of the Trust’s Annual General Meeting.

This process ensures that the Trustees of the Southland Power Trust are chosen in a fair, transparent, and democratic manner, reflecting the best interests of the Southland community.

Our Current Trust Members

Carl Findlater

Carl Findlater

Stuart Baird

Stuart Baird

Stephen Canny

Stephen Canny

Wade Devine

Wade Devine

David Rose

David Rose